Wednesday, December 16, 2009

LifeStyle Changed: Now & before

Certainly i m not here to discuss the definition of lifestyle..."NO".But simply i can say its the way a person lives,but certain other socio-cultural factors which may influence lifestyle to some extent.If i compare the past & present lifestyle i can see a hell-heaven difference.I came across few incidents which made me to think about this topic.

I belong to a small town in Orissa & to a middle class family,i can remember whn i was in my 5th stand 1st i saw a TV,telephone & prolly in my +12th class i came across a desktop,though I hv started using it in my MBA.And we were so happy to live a simple normal middle class lyf without any kind of luxury arround as our parents gave us wht ever we needed .And i can bet if at all we hv to leave tht kind of lyf i can do tht happily without any hesitation.Coz the exact reason may be we knw the values & worth of money.I have been to villages ,witnessed that part of life .....greenery,trees,the ghoda gadis & the cart.I remember after the school hours spending a quality time with my friends ,playing in the streets,walking all along the roads,riding bicycles.And that time i dont even know what is pocket money??we were very happy to buy the 25paisa pan pasand,cookies,mangomood etc.Those days were full of amusing activities.

But there is a drastic change in lifestyle of the urban youth today.A new born baby observes his/her presence in an AC room of a big multispeciality hospital with full of automated equipments.When the baby grows he/she founds in a posh house with ACs,LCDs,home theatres,laptops,playstations,automatic toys,4 wheeler to travel all arround & When it comes to the college time,its about hangouts,partying,pubs,rocking music,i-pods,Levi's jeans,reebok shoes,Rayban glasses-"Style statement" of the Youth today,& they feel if they do not have all these it will affect their image.

Today how many of them would prefer a pen when a laptop is given??So The day is not so far when we will stop using pens & even we will stop walking also coz of the vast use of 4 wheelers.I m more concerned about the changing lifestyle which can even make us more sophisticated and arrogant by neglecting simple human values.And i m sure one fine day our kids or their kids will ask about trees,an auto rickshaw,pen,paper ,animals etc etc .And we can show them only in pictures .

where are we heading??
Well...No answer...
Time has to tell!!!
I don't know whom to blame also.Is it the lifestyle??What Say??
After all,We are the world!!!And We make our own World.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A small Story of a boy & girl :)

Marraiges are made in heaven,
rather i would se 'Rab banata hai Jodi'

This is a story about a boy & a girl.It all began with a kind of marraige proposal,like the boys parents told him abt the girl & they approached.The boy started to search in social networking sites,so that he can find out some more information about the girl.He finally found her in one of the sites & gathred required information about the girl from his network.

The girl also heard about the boy from her parents.Both the parents wanted the boy & the girl to meet once over the web,coz the boy was not in India at that moment of time.So one fine day they met on webcam & shared their thoughts a general discussion.That day only she got the call from the boy & he was very positive abt her,but the girl was not sure what to do?Coz she was not mentally prepared for the marriage.She some how managed with the call & she asked that boy to give sometime to make a decision.He called her the next day as well,but she started ignoring him coz she didn't want to give any kind of positive wibes because she was not ready.But the guy thought in a different manner ie in a negative way & informed his parents about that.The girl also informed her parents that she can think about the matter once the guy is in India.So there closes the chapter for sometime.But this is not the end of the story..:))Still lots of twists n turns r there.

I remembered one story of husband n wife which I read before & abrupt for the situation. Thought of sharing this story with all of you....
Wife comes home from an exhausting day. She wants and needs to share her feelings with her husband about the day...

Wife says, "There is so much work to do; I dont have any time for myself."
Hubby says, "You should quit that job. You dont have to work so hard. Find something you like to do."
Wife says,"But I like my job. I cant quit the job. My manager expect me to change everything at a moment's notice."
Hubby says,"Dont listen to your manager. Just do what you can do."
Wife says,"I am!!! I can't believe, I completely forgot to wish my aunt. Today is her b'day"
Hubby says,"Dont worry about it, she will were busy"
Wife says,"Do you know what she is going through? she would be expecting a call from me"
Hubby says,"You worry too much, thats why you are always so unhappy"
Wife angrily says,"I am not always unhappy. Cant you just listen to me?"
Hubby says."I am listening your stupid things only"

After this conversation, Wife was more frustrated than when she arrived home seeking intimacy and companionship. Hubby was also frustrated and had no idea what went wrong.

Hubby was so upset that he did hurt his sweetheart, his darling who takes care of him each and every step of his life. He himself felt bad and realised that he was wrong and arrogant. He tried changing himself and see the change in conversation below when wife comes home tired and exhausted the other day.

Wife says, "There is so much work to do; I dont have any time for myself."
Hubby takes a deep breath and says, ""Huhhhhh..sounds like you had a hard day. You should take rest now."
Wife says,"My manager expect me to change everything at a moment's notice. I dont know what to do Dear."
Hubby says,"hmmmmmmm"
Wife says,"I can't believe, I completely forgot to wish my aunt. Today is her b'day"
Hubby says with wrinkled brow,"Oh...No"
Wife says,"She would be expecting a call from me. I feel so bad..."
Hubby says,"You are such a loving person Darling. Come here, let me give you a hug."

Hubby gives Wife a hug and she relaxes in his arms with a big sigh of relief. She then says, " I LOVE YOU ". You make me really happy. Thanks for understanding me and I feel much better now.

Not only wife but also Hubby felt better. He was amazed at how much happier his wife was when he finally understood her.

This story always motivates ...Learning how to strengthen a relationship and trying to love and care as much as u can....

Now Lets start the old Girl & Boy story..:))
Again after 1month or so the boy started to send friend request in one of the social networking site.But he failed somehow,coz the girl knowingly was rejecting his requests.But in the meantime she also gathered some information about the guy & she desired to know about him more.And one fineday she accepted the friend request...Here ou go The
Boy was on CLOUD 9 :))

Then started a series mails,& the boy used ti wait for the girl to come online though it was night for him(as he was in US).One day due to some internet problem the boy wasn't able to chat with the girl,& he called her finally.
Then started a series of calls...never ended...continued.

They came more closer & closer ,dicided to get marry.The samething they informed their parents,they were very happy coz they alyzz wanted it to happen.

So marraiges are made in heaven...

....:))They got married ,now very happy Couple.Love each other a lot... howz the story???Wanna Knw about the boy & Girl...Just Scroll Down!!!!!
Down n down :))

Well u have to wait for my next post!!:D

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The night is Dark on the Other Side

We begin this Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism. Our happiness is diluted and our peace is threatened by the financial illness that has infected our families, organizations and nations. Everyday in the news, I seem to be hearing about all of the tough times everyone is going through with the economy. I heard about a man who massacred his whole family then went on to commit suicide because both he and his wife lost their jobs. The US is going through some economic tough times and its affecting everyone at some level.

Once upon a time, I was strolling along side the sidewalk and saw the grass.The grass looked muddy, dark, and brown like it hadn't been taken care of.

The next day, I took the same stroll again but I saw a different shade.It was green and lush, perfectly trimmed. It must have been the landscapers who came.

Once upon a time, I saw a fish. There were a lot of them swimming around in the pond, but unfortunately I looked at the bottom and I saw a few that weren't moving at all. What diseases did they catch, I wondered. I hope that more don't start to die as well.

The next day, I looked into the pond again and saw little tiny fishes swimming around. Birth! I couldn't believe it!

Sometimes, you may cry. may be upset and you didn't feel worthy. But you wish u would be understood and supported, but that wasn't.

So you see the day may be dark, unmoving, or upsetting today. Experience it and feel it while it's here because it may not be so tomorrow. The next day, may be much better. A miracle can be showed up, and welcome it with open arms.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good old days....wistful...

Today as I bumped into some good old past memories from my prior school n college days, I got to really missing them, although it seems like a lifetime now, it really wasn’t all that long ago that they all stood up to be counted as my golden memories.and...I have many stories to tell from that time and I recall them with great fondness and extremely heavy heart as i miss them all so dearly.

Remembering my class mates, after few years,
My eyes were filled with tears,
Everyone now is busy a lot,
No one escaped destiny’s plot.

Project reviews to campus interviews,
Nicknames to last bench games,
Cultural rehearsals to love proposals,
Short term crushes to class room blushes.

Everything is fresh in our mind,
Wish life could just rewind,
Let’s laugh, play and rejoice,
Once again become college guys.

Chatting and laughing, we were all in elation,
Till the painful moment of separation,
When it was time to part,
We returned with a heavy heart.

Today life is full of commitments,
And too many worries,
But those cherished moments,
Will live forever in our memories.

I really miss them you!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today is a beautiful day.. reminds me about a story which my granny used to tell & i wanna share it here.

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up.A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." What he had written was: "Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it." Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing? Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have.. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Great men say, "Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness. In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.."

Monday, January 5, 2009

New year:with Direction & Hope

Ahh, a new year brings in new energy, new goals, and new beginnings! With a new beginning comes aggressive conscious New Year Resolution goals such as stop smoking, a new job, new relationships, losing weight, not being lazy and so on. On a conscious level, the person has made a decision to conquer their issue and has the energy and motivation to fuel this endeavor which is wonderful. The problem is that on an unconscious level there are energetic imprints that must be removed such as blockages and impediments to succeeding. The unconscious mind holds all awareness that is not presently in the conscious mind. All memories, feelings and thoughts are by definition "unconscious." It is the source and storehouse of our emotions; and it is often considered our connection with Spirit.

People have lot of new year wishes & resolutions but achieving your resolutions does not need to be an individual affair. You will stand a much greater chance of success if you have family and friends who support your cause. It doesn't help if you are trying to lose weight and your family is having fast food for dinner every day. And it doesn't help if you are trying to be an early riser but your family goes to bed way past midnight.

I have my own pledges in 2009 and till now have seen lot of ups –downs & I know how to make them happen coz if I look back any time I should have something to say about my life & what I have done so far.So Talk to people in your life about what you are trying to achieve and see how they can give you both moral and tangible support.

After all
Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.