Friday, December 11, 2009

A small Story of a boy & girl :)

Marraiges are made in heaven,
rather i would se 'Rab banata hai Jodi'

This is a story about a boy & a girl.It all began with a kind of marraige proposal,like the boys parents told him abt the girl & they approached.The boy started to search in social networking sites,so that he can find out some more information about the girl.He finally found her in one of the sites & gathred required information about the girl from his network.

The girl also heard about the boy from her parents.Both the parents wanted the boy & the girl to meet once over the web,coz the boy was not in India at that moment of time.So one fine day they met on webcam & shared their thoughts a general discussion.That day only she got the call from the boy & he was very positive abt her,but the girl was not sure what to do?Coz she was not mentally prepared for the marriage.She some how managed with the call & she asked that boy to give sometime to make a decision.He called her the next day as well,but she started ignoring him coz she didn't want to give any kind of positive wibes because she was not ready.But the guy thought in a different manner ie in a negative way & informed his parents about that.The girl also informed her parents that she can think about the matter once the guy is in India.So there closes the chapter for sometime.But this is not the end of the story..:))Still lots of twists n turns r there.

I remembered one story of husband n wife which I read before & abrupt for the situation. Thought of sharing this story with all of you....
Wife comes home from an exhausting day. She wants and needs to share her feelings with her husband about the day...

Wife says, "There is so much work to do; I dont have any time for myself."
Hubby says, "You should quit that job. You dont have to work so hard. Find something you like to do."
Wife says,"But I like my job. I cant quit the job. My manager expect me to change everything at a moment's notice."
Hubby says,"Dont listen to your manager. Just do what you can do."
Wife says,"I am!!! I can't believe, I completely forgot to wish my aunt. Today is her b'day"
Hubby says,"Dont worry about it, she will were busy"
Wife says,"Do you know what she is going through? she would be expecting a call from me"
Hubby says,"You worry too much, thats why you are always so unhappy"
Wife angrily says,"I am not always unhappy. Cant you just listen to me?"
Hubby says."I am listening your stupid things only"

After this conversation, Wife was more frustrated than when she arrived home seeking intimacy and companionship. Hubby was also frustrated and had no idea what went wrong.

Hubby was so upset that he did hurt his sweetheart, his darling who takes care of him each and every step of his life. He himself felt bad and realised that he was wrong and arrogant. He tried changing himself and see the change in conversation below when wife comes home tired and exhausted the other day.

Wife says, "There is so much work to do; I dont have any time for myself."
Hubby takes a deep breath and says, ""Huhhhhh..sounds like you had a hard day. You should take rest now."
Wife says,"My manager expect me to change everything at a moment's notice. I dont know what to do Dear."
Hubby says,"hmmmmmmm"
Wife says,"I can't believe, I completely forgot to wish my aunt. Today is her b'day"
Hubby says with wrinkled brow,"Oh...No"
Wife says,"She would be expecting a call from me. I feel so bad..."
Hubby says,"You are such a loving person Darling. Come here, let me give you a hug."

Hubby gives Wife a hug and she relaxes in his arms with a big sigh of relief. She then says, " I LOVE YOU ". You make me really happy. Thanks for understanding me and I feel much better now.

Not only wife but also Hubby felt better. He was amazed at how much happier his wife was when he finally understood her.

This story always motivates ...Learning how to strengthen a relationship and trying to love and care as much as u can....

Now Lets start the old Girl & Boy story..:))
Again after 1month or so the boy started to send friend request in one of the social networking site.But he failed somehow,coz the girl knowingly was rejecting his requests.But in the meantime she also gathered some information about the guy & she desired to know about him more.And one fineday she accepted the friend request...Here ou go The
Boy was on CLOUD 9 :))

Then started a series mails,& the boy used ti wait for the girl to come online though it was night for him(as he was in US).One day due to some internet problem the boy wasn't able to chat with the girl,& he called her finally.
Then started a series of calls...never ended...continued.

They came more closer & closer ,dicided to get marry.The samething they informed their parents,they were very happy coz they alyzz wanted it to happen.

So marraiges are made in heaven...

....:))They got married ,now very happy Couple.Love each other a lot... howz the story???Wanna Knw about the boy & Girl...Just Scroll Down!!!!!
Down n down :))

Well u have to wait for my next post!!:D


Saroj said...

Wao...pls tell me who are they ???? I can't wait :P

c# programming said...

hi jays................its realy interesting. Well I can guess who are these lucky boy and girl.......still can't wait for the next post it soon dear.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story....

c# programming said...

its not c#programming dear......its ur bhaujo.....
take care

Sanju said...

it's a kind of story which is very common for any boys and Girls in this stage. I have not found anything unique about it. the words were exited but it happens with all dear...nothing much creative...moreover the excitement shows it's ur story

jayasree said...

Hmm...whch bhaujo it is??I hv so many bhabis he he he

jayasree said...
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jayasree said...

Coming to u sanju,i knw its a common story,but i just wanted to give a msg that everything happens for a cause & whtever happens its already written ie MRG R MADE IN HEAVEN,& i hv highlighted another point ie how to maintain a healthy relationship.Well...abt the couple i m gonna revel it in my nxt keep guessing!!:D

But neyzz thnx for reading my blog patiently..:)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Intersting Jaya....I would rather say all the boys and Girls should read the Book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" and should understand each other crests and toughts to have a balanced and healthy Marriage Relation (or any relation)....

Good Blog ....and I guessed whz that Boy and Girl!!!

jayasree said...

Well...everyone is guessing about the girl n the boy,lemme reveal it...

Its my own story..:))